Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mom's Make It Happen

I think this is a great example of how Mom's "make it happen" every day. 
 Plus, it just gives you a good laugh.  I especially like the intense
look of satisfaction on the Mom's face in the car.  Enjoy!  

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Mom, Me and Cathy

I don't believe God gives us a greater gift as women than the opportunity to be mothers.  Regardless of whether you carry the child nine months yourself, adopt a precious little being or act as a surrogate mother to people (young or old) in your life who simply need to be "mothered" -- or any combination of these -- you are a mother.

Like anything that has a great payoff, being a mother is hard work.  That said, I haven't found anything to be as rewarding and fulfilling.  Being a mother is a tremendous responsibility.  You are a role model 24/7 -- on good days and bad.  Little eyes and ears take in every nuance of your existence.

I was reminded of this as Lily Kate and I raced off to school one morning last week.  As I'm driving, I am going through a mental checklist of all I need for my day of meetings.  My phone...where is my phone?  Thinking that I left it at home, I unconsciously say a choice four letter word.  I was quickly reprimanded from the back seat.  "Mama, queen's do not use that kind of language."  She had me there.

You see, the learning goes both ways.  When the doctor put Lily Kate in my arms, I looked at her and said "I've been waiting for you for so long."  My life was forever changed in the best way possible.  It was like my heart was now out of my body.  I do so appreciate all that my wonderful mother did for me so much more.  I only wish she was here to experience this new phase of life with us.

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers!  

Positively yours,

Paula Chamblin Aulino
Associate ASID

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hats off to...Tim Gunn

Hats off to….Tim Gunn 

What a glorious day!  It’s Friday, the sun is shining, ladies are elegantly dressed in their garden cocktail attire, and Tim Gunn is visiting us to share his vast knowledge of all that is chic and classic.

Ahhh, Tim Gunn, a man of classic style.  He is, without fail, always impeccably dressed.  I’d be willing to bet he even sleeps in pressed cotton PJ’s.  Brilliant! 

Beyond his outward appearance, Gunn exhibits such a strong work ethic and admirable character.  We’ve all heard him coach many an aspiring designer on Project Runway with his mantra, “Make it work.”  By all appearances, he walks the talk.

After hearing him speak today, is it possible that I like him even more?  I think so!  Tim stressed “Gunn’s Golden Rules” (AKA Manners for the Digital Age).  He makes being proper, with manners cool again.  We need more media personalities taking this stance!  Okay, I’ll stop there.

The 13th annual Les Chapeaux Dans le Jardin (Hat Day) luncheon
Left: Karen Morrison. Elegant!
Right: Darwin Brucker and Doug Preisse. These men know how to wear hats! Love, love the creativity and panache. 
Left: Dr. Carol Clinton. Makes others more beautiful...a beautiful lady.
Right: Lindsey Schottenstein and Jodelle Tremain. Two gorgeous ladies!
Left: Laura Bowen One word:  Fabulous!
Center: Lindsay from La Jeune Mariee Bridal Boutique (right) and Pretty Friend
Right: Lindsay's shoes, a pretty lady from hat to toes.
With dear friends Left: Gaby Weiss,  Right: Mojie Baharlou
Left: Mo Meuse and Carol Bowman. Lovely ladies!
Center: Pam Beeler. Side Striped Perfection!
Right: Marian Gelpi. Polka Dot Perfection!
Me and Gaby

Words of (Wearable) Wisdom from Tim Gunn
Gunn’s life mantra:  Always take the high road.
Or as amended by his mother:  Always take the high road until the high road gets so high you get a nosebleed.

I’m guessing his mother knows that sometimes you just have to take off your ladylike hat and defend yourself. 

Tim Gunn's 10 Essential Items Every Woman Needs 
• Basic black dress
• Trench coat 
• Classic dress pants 
• Classic white shirt 
• Blazer 
• Day dress 
• Cashmere sweater 
• Dark Wash Jeans 
• A comfortable alternative to a sweatsuit  (THANK YOU, TIM! Can we start the ban on OSU sweatshirts here?) 
• One trendy, indulgent item

Me chatting with Tim Gunn while he autographs Lily Kate's Sophia the First book.
In my house, Tim Gunn is known as “Baileywick,” the always caring butler to Sophia the First (NOTE:  For those of you without a nearly five year old princess in your life, she is Disney’s first child princess. Thanks to this, my daughter wants to be called Princess Lily Kate the First.  Sigh…). 

Tim Gunn is the voice of Baileywick in Disney's Sophia the First

Me and Lily Kate the First

While you have hat in hand, carry on with the Kentucky Derby tomorrow!
Who doesn’t like a Mint Julep served in a lovely silver cup.

That's a day!

And they’re off…

Paula Chamblin Aulino, Associate ASID

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Welcome to "Positively Chic"!

Welcome to “Positively Chic”!

My mission is to create an uplifting place for you to visit for lifestyle inspiration and motivation.

And who am I?  Let me introduce myself.  I’m Paula Chamblin Aulino – daughter, wife, mother, interior designer – just to name a few important life titles.  If I’m not chasing Lily Kate, our nearly five year old daughter, I’m chasing Lola and Coco, our four-legged family members, or being chased by my amazingly talented husband, Michael.

In my downtime (she says while laughing), I make the world more beautiful one house at a time.  I’m a style connoisseur.  I crave style whether it be for the home or for the sake of fashion.

As an interior designer, I’m best known for mixing high luxe pieces with low “cheap chic” finds.  I follow the same philosophy into my closet.

A Profile in Positively Chic

Dress simply.  Accessorize with flourish.
Whether it be in your home or on your body, accessories are the best way to show your personality – who you are, where you’ve been, and where you want to go.

Best Advice Received: 
Invest in fewer quality pieces rather than many lower quality pieces.
That said, mixing “high” with “low” is an absolute must.

Never Cheap Out On:
Shoes and handbags.
I know you’ve heard it before, but listen, learn and repeat after me, “I will not buy (i.e., throw away my hard-earned money) on cheap shoes and handbags.”  Yes, even if it means having fewer shoes and handbags (see “best advice received” above).

Every Woman Needs:
A talented tailor.
Among other things, but more later.

Go To Style:
A dark pair of jeans in a flattering fit, a white blouse, tailored blazer and a great piece of statement jewelry.  (Paired with fabulous shoes and handbag.  Voila!  A signature style.)

My Style Icons:
Generally they are classics with “an edge” that step out and take classic to the next (tasteful) level.  Enter:  Kate Moss, Kate Bosworth, Anne Hathaway, and, of course, the all-time classics, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn.
Ralph Lauren - The King of Design

My Signature Color:
Pink. Period.  I’m the mother of a nearly five year old princess.  Plus, everyone looks good in pink (sorry Rachel Zoe).

Favorite Way to Recharge:
Spending quality time with my girlfriends.  Laughter truly is the best medicine for all that ails you.

Favorite Designer:
Ralph Lauren is an American treasure for fashion and home.  If I could shadow anyone for a day, it would be this jean-clad genius.  Ralph, call me…maybe.  I’m serious.   

Never Leave the House Without:
Mascara and Concealer

I Can’t Live Without:
My morning run to McDonald’s for a medium REGULAR fountain coke.  Yes, I know sugar is bad for you.  So sue me.  Would you believe me if I told you I can even tell the difference in the fountain cokes?  Sad, but true.

Favorite Rockers:
U2, definitely U2.   
Me with "The Edge"

Defining Accessory:

A smile.  Now, I love my Ippolita bangles and am known for wearing an armful of them every day, but the best accessory is a confident, smiling woman who isn’t afraid to laugh at herself.  And, guess what?  It’s back to that mixing high with low…a smile is free and so much appreciated.

I hope you feel like you know me a little better.  I look forward to visiting with you again soon!

Positively Yours,

Paula Chamblin Aulino, Associate ASID