Saturday, June 7, 2014

Nothing Says Summer Like...


It's time to enjoy the bounty of the season.  Here's a tasty, simple summer soup recipe to enjoy.

A dear friend of mine made this for a baby shower she hosted for me, aptly named "Pink-a-palooza" as we share an affinity for the color PINK.  Thanks, Beppie!

Strawberry Soup

1 pound fresh strawberries
1 cup sour cream
1 cup half-and-half
1/4 granulated sugar
2 tablespoons white wine

Clean and stem strawberries.  Puree in blender.  Add the remaining ingredients and blend on low speed until smooth.  Chill 3-4 hours.

To serve, garnish with a fresh strawberry and mint leaves.  Serve cold.  Yields 4-6 servings.


Positively yours,

Paula Chamblin Aulino
Associate ASID