Friday, June 13, 2014

Artist in Focus: Kent Walsh

About Kent Walsh

We just returned from another lovely trip to LA -- lower Alabama.  While there on the beautiful Mobile Bay, I had the pleasure of visiting with the incredibly talented and renowned southern artist, Kent Walsh.  I've known Kent for several years and have placed her art in clients' homes.

Kent started painting at the age of five when her grandmother gave her her first set of oils.  From there, a lifelong love of art was born.  Lucky for us!

The scope of Kent's work is amazingly broad; she doesn't focus on one particular style or subject.  She paints and draws still lives, figures and landscapes and all with the same beauty and skill level.  Regardless of the medium, each of her works has its own unique history of building up and tearing down -- painted on and scratched away.  She continues with this process until the piece proves its merit and is truly a reflection of the artist.  

"Each piece is a fresh new love from my soul."
--Kent Walsh

Thank you, Kent, for graciously welcoming me into your home.

If you're interested in learning more about Kent's work or acquiring a piece for your own home, let's talk!

The Artist's "Helpers"

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Best of the Rest

Resources to Help You 

Okay, I read a lot of blogs.  Call it "market research."  It amazes me how much you can learn from these new resources.  Today, my friends,  I thought it might be helpful to share some of the things I've learned with you.  Hope it provides an "a-ha" moment!  Happy Monday!

Get Organized

Spring has sprung, but it's not too late to do some "spring cleaning."  Seeing as how we haven't been able to put two cars in the garage since moving, cleaning out and organizing the garage is tops on my list.

In Pursuit of the Perfect Suit

Yes, it's bathing suit season.  Do you know what suit best suits your figure?  Check out this handy guide.

While we're on the topic of bathing suits, here are some tips for how to properly care for your bathing suit.  If you FINALLY find one that makes you feel marhhh-velous, darling, take care of it!

Summer Basics

Just because it's getting warmer doesn't mean your style shouldn't heat up too.

Shape Savers

Listen carefully and learn:  Underpinnings are a girl's best friend.  Here's a great guide for how to and when to use what underpinnings to unveil your inner-svelte self.  Thank you, Rachel Zoe!

Between the Sheets

Is it just me or do you also find it incredibly difficult to stuff a duvet cover?  Here's a clever solution which I've proven successful.

On the Technology Front

Technology:  It's great and then it's not so great.  Know what I mean?  Accidentally hit "reply all"?  Then, read this...

Positively yours,

Paula Chamblin Aulino
Associate ASID

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Nothing Says Summer Like...


It's time to enjoy the bounty of the season.  Here's a tasty, simple summer soup recipe to enjoy.

A dear friend of mine made this for a baby shower she hosted for me, aptly named "Pink-a-palooza" as we share an affinity for the color PINK.  Thanks, Beppie!

Strawberry Soup

1 pound fresh strawberries
1 cup sour cream
1 cup half-and-half
1/4 granulated sugar
2 tablespoons white wine

Clean and stem strawberries.  Puree in blender.  Add the remaining ingredients and blend on low speed until smooth.  Chill 3-4 hours.

To serve, garnish with a fresh strawberry and mint leaves.  Serve cold.  Yields 4-6 servings.


Positively yours,

Paula Chamblin Aulino
Associate ASID